Hi, I'm Lewis.
I'm a Full-Stack Developer.

Tools and Technologies


Forkify Recipe App

A recipe application that interacts with the Forkify API to fetch and display recipe data. Utilises tools such as Parcel JS to bundle modules, and Babel for backwards compatibility. Built with MVC architecture.

Omnifood Web Page

A responsive landing page for a fictional meal subscription service. Created using modern HTML, CSS and web design methods. Built with a clear and appealing user interface, and optimised for a smooth user experience.

Mapty Exercise Tracker

An exercise tracker for cycling and running. Includes inputs for duration and distance allowing for average speed to be calculated. Interacts with geolocation and Leaflet API to mark sessions on a map.

About me

My name is Lewis Duncan and I'm a self-taught developer. I took my first steps into the coding world at the beginning of 2022 and have been obsessed ever since.

I have worked predominantly in JavaScript and the MERN stack, while also learning about test-driven development with Jest and Vitest. Through multiple projects I am consistently growing my knowledge of and experience in software development.

When I'm not coding I'm either picking away on my guitar, in the gym or playing video games.


Contact me

Feel free to to get in touch if you have any questions.